Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hiya, samantha !!! Please visit my blog :

(Theres no dot after www, pay attention to that !)

BY : Tan Wei Khang :)

Happy Advanced Valentines Day

Happy Advanced Valentines Day to all in 5M last year
There's a LATE Chinese New Year celebration for all Kota Kemuning Residents this Saturday ( Valentines Day / 14thFeb ) , at the Oncidium Dewan ( a.k.a that dewan near my house de ... big big blue n white de .. ah that one ). I'm performing there so hehe =D lansie bit lar >.< .. anywayz , c you guys there !

kayh i'll share with you some stories in Chung Hua oh ...

1. The school got 4 floors x 2 blocks ..
but only 2 staircases ..
so 放学 that time very very very luan and traffic jam ..
放学 at 12:45 but reach downstairs 12:50 d cos im at the top floor .

2. We do NOT have to bring back our books for we have shelfs at the back of our classes to put our books .. ( Got good and bad ho )

3. We can dou liu around the place .. outside class .. but CANOT go in class hehe

Til Next Time ,
Sammie !~