Monday, November 17, 2008

Layout Problem By Sammie

Ehh Guys , I changed the Layout , I feel this one is Better .. how bout u ?

post comment n tell please
u prefer the brown scroll type one or this blue cool colour nice design one

I prefer blue colour cos when we read , if it's a hawt day , u feel cooled down .. right ?

Oh and one more thing ...

Should we set this blog private to people in 5M only ? cos outside ppl read like lil weird le ..
Wat U think ? comment on this too , TY


Yin Ling here :) said...
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Yin Ling here :) said...

i luv this blue de .. can cool us down & about the PRIVATE BLOG thing , if u make it private boleh let me read ? pls ... T.T coz i think it's a nice blog ..

Crystal ~

Jack Ng Wei Jed said...

hey..pls make tis blog private..juz oni for 5m student..yaya i love blue ^^ dats nice..

MOCHACOOKIE V said... is nice....But I think we better keep this blog private le....Dun let others ppl read..Private mean its oni for 5M...Cos its juust for 5M mah!

liyee said...

Y don't we change the layout every month, then, we'll fell fresh about that. I think we should keep it private because don't let busybody(like danesh but i dunno he have or not!).^^

Dorothy Chin said...

Ok ... blue is nice ... I think we put private 4 only 5M ppl is better ... Cos this is our 5M blog ...

~ Dorothy ~

Adrian TWK said...

The blue is really nice, I think we should make this private, same as most of the others. :)

Samantha (Ashlyn) Leow said...

ish still got many ppl havent accept the author thing , can u guys pls remind them o ^.^ thanks .. once many accept then i change to private liao de la