Monday, November 17, 2008

1st Day Of Tuition - By Sammie

Haihzzzzzzzzz MISH U ALL LE !
6H omg sux =.=
1.when teacher ask to read , 6M is like screaming , 6H ne ? =.= !!!!!!!!! only me n jia hui read ... swt
2.when teacher ask us to do de green book test 1 , de boys talk talk talk do until Q18 n wen teacher ask done ady anot , say yesssssssss ! =.= so fake .. means always oso me not yet do finish grrrrr but really is i do til Q30+ dey do til Q18 =.= !!!!!!
3.since Soon Lao Shi go hospital , =.= got girl n boy side ... n here's the funny part ... girl on right boy on left .. me n jia hui sit left zzzzz wen jie n this boy dat late one sit at girls side hahahahahaha ... ... so funny .. i was like O.O"!
4. hmmmmm lets see .. dey talk n talk n talk n talk ...... LOUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD =.= .. want them to shhhh oso wan die =.= i tot 5M noisy .. guess wat ... dey like x5 =.- ~
I cant tahan larh !... if u all free , recess find me yaaaaaa ^^ thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ... so how is 6M ? de new people nice ?

- Life T_T stick wif it -
On De Bus ...
kakakkakaka i am de 2nd to get on bus .. it's nice for me cos normally i like .. num 20+ LOL ... so today .. can chui aircon , for long long time ........ hehe

Til Next Time ,
Sammie Leow


Jack Ng Wei Jed said...

LoL y u din exchg wif the 2boys?

Anonymous said...

why are ? stupid lohhhh ... n btw .. wer i sit , mdm can see me der real well ... LOL xD xD so why change le ? middle of attn .. kakakkkakakakakkaka .. kakaka ?

Jack Ng Wei Jed said...

aww middle!!! i wan sit at mid le..but cant..t.t